Trapped In The Woods

Authors Note: I'm sorry if the grammar is a little bit crap, I'm not all that good, also I tend "the" instead of "that" It's something I do a lot and, I just did it just now. Even when I proof read it, it still manages to escape my notice. Anyway, let's get on with the story. ________________________________________________________________________________
I was in my room getting ready to go camping with my mum, dad and my two brothers, Matt and Toby. I packed my bag with clothes and a couple of 3DS games. When Matt came into my room.
"Hey Sam." He asked me "What games are you packing?"
"I'm taking quite a few." I replied
"Well as long as you take Super Smash bros, that's all Toby and I care about." He stated.
My mum told me it would take 2 hours to get into the woods, the current time is 17:02.
"Lets go!" My mum called up the stairs.
We jumped in the car, and got on our way. It was actually surprisingly fun in the car, we told jokes, played games, and watched movies with the small television that came with my dads car. When we finally got there, we needed to build the tent quickly before night. I sat there and carried on playing while my dad nailed the tent down, and my mum put up the two cave rooms. When they finished, my parents told us to go to bed. The cave room me, Toby and Matt were sleeping in, was very cold. Toby was constantly telling the same jokes, and Matt was just stealing the covers. I just decided to pull out the DS and carry on playing until they finally fell asleep, that was when I decided to put the DS down, and finally put myself to rest.
When I woke up, Toby and Matt weren't with me. I just presumed they were in the living room, if you would call it that, or in the car. I got out of the room, to see that both Toby and Matt were not in the living room. My levels of panic was gingerly rising. I put my shoes on and checked the car as well, still no sign of them. I checked my parents cave too. Nobody was in there either. What I did see however was white paint that formed the words "Andata per sempre" I pulled out my phone and called Matt, I heard his ringtone coming from my room. I called Toby, I only heard his ringtone as well. I didn't bother calling my mother or my father because I could see their phones in the room with me. I went back into my room and went to get my DS. When I opened opened up the DS case, I pulled out the DS and I saw a note stuck to the back of it. It had the words "Addio per sempre" on it. What did these words mean? I couldn't understand what they were saying. None of the games were in the case, also the DS was dead. I put it back in the case and just simply waited. I didn't believe they had gone somewhere because the tent was right in the middle of the woods so there was nowhere that they could've been, and the fact that they left me in the tent by myself, the fact that they left their phones in the tent and the car was still outside the tent, I didn't believe that they had gone out, and if they did, they couldn't had gone far.
I waited for half an hour, and still no response from anyone or anything. I decided that enough was enough so I put on my shoes, I put on my coat, and headed out. I could head the leaves and twigs being crushed as I walked over them. I searched and called their names. Still nothing. It was getting dark, so I decided to try and find my way back.
The sun had gone down and the moon had risen up. I was scared, I couldn't find the tent! I constantly tried calling my mum, no pick up! I called Toby, still no pickup! I called Dad and still no response, but when I called Matt, someone had picked up. I could head static. The static stopped and a faint, male voice could be heard. It wasn't Matt, Toby or my dad.
"The person you are trying to call, can't take your call right now, please hang up and..." I could he stopped talking and the static resumed.
I tried hanging up but it wouldn't let me. I just kept pressing the red button, I knew I was pressing it because the red button turned brown, indicating that I was clicking on it. The static slowly went out, I hoped that that was the end, but the person on the other shouted as loud as a gun.
I heard twigs and leaves being crushed behind me, it got louder and louder so I decided to turn around and start calling out for anyone when all of a sudden I saw a red light and a red head peaking it head out of a tree.
I wanted to die at that moment. I just ran the other way past the ever lasting trees I could also hear something chasing me I was too afraid to turn my head and look behind me. I just ran straight forward, when I couldn't hear anything behind me. I saw a small wooden fence ahead of me, I sprinted to it and jumped over it into a field. There was literally no trees in sight. I ran through the field when I saw a church. I ran to it, I was a christian and I was hoping that a priest could help me out or give me an exorcism. I needed to go through the grave yard to get in. I didn't want to be disrespectful by running through it, but I knew I needed to. I stopped to catch my breath, looking down at the ground, when air was in my lungs, I looked up, and saw that on the left were two grave stones. On them it said.
Valorie Mitchell - 1973-2016
James Mitchell - 1973-2016
Toby Mitchell - 1993-2016.